Thank you for visiting our support page.  We are actively building this page to assist those individuals kind enough to support us by downloading our apps.  Please find answers to FAQ below and THANK YOU for supporting devDogz!


Android apps

(This page last updated on January 6, 2013)


1.  What changes are being considered for future updates?

Thanks to those users who have provided feedback, the following changes are being considered for an upcoming release:

  1. *Additional sounds

Changes that were suggested and have been implemented:

  1. *Ability to move Ambianz to SD card (Implemented in both free and paid versions found in Google Play)

iPhone apps

Spades Scorecard

1.  How do I change the default settings?

The settings tab of Spades Scorecard allows you to modify certain parts of Spades Scorecard. 

Total Points Required to Win - By default, the number of points needed to win a game is 500. 

Player Names - Simply enter a new value into the appropriate textbox on the Settings tab.

Reset Scores and Number of Bags - Pressing the "Reset Game" button resets both team's scores and number of bags to zero.  In addition, it sets each player's bid to zero and resets the dealer to be the North player.  A confirmation dialog will be presented after pressing the reset button to help avoid accidental resets.

2.  What changes are being considered for future updates?

Thanks to those users who have provided feedback, the following changes are being considered for an upcoming release:

* Ability to keep a history of the scores for recall results from previous hands

* Implement blind nils

* Implement “10 for 2”

My Check Please

1. What changes are being considered for future updates?

Thanks to those users who have provided feedback, the following changes are being considered for an upcoming release:

* Ability to enter a custom percentage

* Addition of a 18% tip button


1.  Why aren’t any MiFirmations appearing when I first download and open the app?

MyFirmations was created in order to allow you to specify your own unique affirmations instead of being forced into an established set of affirmations.  You literally get to start with a blank slate.  In order to add your own list of affirmations simply click on the Edit tab, enter your affirmation into the textfield at the top of the screen and click “Add New MyFirmation”.  You will see your affirmation appear at the bottom of your affirmation list.

2.  How do I delete old MyFirmations?

Sometimes you will need to delete old affirmations.  In order to purge your list simply click on the Edit tab, and swipe the affirmation you wish to delete.  To “swipe” an affirmation simply  slide your finger from the left side of the affirmation to the right.  A red delete button will appear.  Click on the button to confirm deletion.

3.  How do I modify a MyFirmation?

In order to modify an affirmation, single-tap the affirmation you'd like to modify.  It will appear in the textfield at the top of the screen.  Modify the text in the textfield and click

"Add New MyFirmation".  Both the old and new affirmation will appear in the list.  Simply delete the old affirmation if you no longer want to use it.

4.  What changes are being considered for future updates?

Thanks to those users who have provided feedback, the following changes are being considered for an upcoming release:

* Ability to randomize the display of quotes

* Option to record the author of a quote - in case you’re borrowing positive thoughts!

* Ability to email quotes to friends

* Additional backgrounds